Thank you to my wonderful clients that voted me the “Best of the Rockies” ,”Best Guide for 2019″. This is an annual award by Elevation Outdoor Magazine that covers 6 states and all guides, not just fly fishing, but rafting, climbing, hunting, skiing etc. (my guess is well over 10,000 guides you could have voted for) I pride myself in not only being the best outfitter in the Roaring Fork Valley, but also having the lowest prices, and the most fun. Over the past 14 years, my prices have only changed about 10 to 15% due to operating costs increases. When you book a trip with me, there are no surprise charges for flies used. I hope that gratuities might reflect helping offset these costs to myself and my guides. Flies can cost up to $50 a day, and shuttles up to $45. Be sure to go to my home page and check out more information about Guide Trips. Let’s just get together and have some fun.
Our #1 trip in this valley is a float trip. Whether you are experienced, a novice (never ever), or just want to go along for the ride and see some amazing scenery, just be sure to bring your camera. We cover about 4-7 miles of private ranches and some very scenic valleys and canyons. We’ve actually had 1 or 2 people just come for the float, photos, and our marvelous river side meals.
FLOAT TRIPS are for 1 or 2 people
1/2 day float trip————————- $500
3/4 day float trip ————————-$600
Full day float trip———————— $700 Lunch is included
Wade and fly fishing lessons
——————– 1 angler–2 anglers–3 anglers
1/2 day Wade —-$300—–$400 —–$500
3/4 day Wade —-$375—–$475—– $575
Full day wade —-$475—–$575—– $675 Lunch is included
Bar Zx Ranch $575 for one or two anglers, plus $100 for a 3rd angler
This is America’s #1 still water trout fishery per Fly Fish Magazine. Our trip leaves about noon and comes back about 11pm. We are honored to be one of the select few outfitters to do this trip. It’s an awesome wedding event for a group or can book the whole ranch for a select few, but please book early. Some clients want it all to themselves. Except for early water run off, we can have this magnificent ranch to ourselves or 1 or 2 others. It’s almost a 2 day trip for us tying flies, and making special request dinners (lobster tails, filets, rib eyes, you name it. By law I cannot provide liquor, but we have had $1,000 bottles of wine brought on this trip). The cost is $475 for 1 or 2 anglers, and $625 for 3 clients, plus rod fees of $150 per angler (think of it like a lift ticket). The fish start at 3 pounds and go to over 20 lbs. You will probably never catch a trout this big in your lifetime. Please check out our separate link, as this is a don’t miss event of your lifetime!
We also have some awesome spring creek fly fishing on the private waters of the Rocky Mountain Angling Club. rod fees are applicable to very private waters.